100-091/XLR3 Mini Pro 250W, 30V

Mini Pro - 100-091/XLR3 Mini Pro 250W, 30V

A compact and rugged 250W, 30V focusing location light. By changing the cable and the lamp the Mini Pro can be easily converted to a 12V battery or a mains powered light.

Type Lamphead
100-091XLR/3Mini Pro Lamphead with 30V XLR Cable and DYG 250W, 30V Lamp.
Type Accessory
118-016Four Leaf Barndoor
130-009Daylight Dichroic Filter in Mount
430-512Safety Glass in Frame
122-137Half Single/Single Scrim Set
Type Cable
142-012Detachable Power Cable 240V
142-012/XLR1Detachable Power Cable 12V
142-012/XLR3Detachable Power Cable 30V
Type Mount
156-005Hand Grip
Type Lamp
176-392FDT 100W, 12V Lamp
176-090DYG 250W, 30V Lamp (as spare)
176-094DYR 650W, 240V
Type Part
COL SP 01-15381Lamp Socket Assemby
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